all postcodes in CV7 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV7 8FD 1 1 52.510359 -1.585355
CV7 8FE 44 0 52.501819 -1.575043
CV7 8FF 5 1 52.504978 -1.58372
CV7 8FG 26 2 52.50678 -1.58992
CV7 8FJ 1 0 52.510826 -1.585049
CV7 8FL 19 0 52.511608 -1.584865
CV7 8FN 18 1 52.512567 -1.587117
CV7 8FP 10 0 52.512981 -1.586635
CV7 8FQ 10 0 52.512806 -1.588066
CV7 8FR 18 0 52.513511 -1.584199
CV7 8FS 2 0 52.515851 -1.587882
CV7 8FT 43 0 52.514211 -1.581319
CV7 8FU 14 3 52.51466 -1.581542
CV7 8FW 48 0 52.51336 -1.582034
CV7 8FX 2 0 52.512088 -1.571061
CV7 8FY 3 0 52.510228 -1.561112
CV7 8FZ 44 0 52.509533 -1.562828
CV7 8GA 4 0 52.509601 -1.561928
CV7 8GB 4 0 52.502843 -1.585066
CV7 8GD 3 0 52.502995 -1.595126