all postcodes in CV7 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV7 8PZ 21 0 52.509775 -1.585133
CV7 8RJ 0 52.459269 -1.534333
CV7 8RN 0 52.459457 -1.534198
CV7 8QF 38 0 52.504047 -1.572208
CV7 8FH 16 0 52.501092 -1.575463
CV7 8LQ 5 0 52.463159 -1.531318
CV7 8NQ 33 0 52.464661 -1.5385
CV7 8QG 1 0 52.490501 -1.570755
CV7 8QH 1 1 52.509502 -1.562187
CV7 8FA 0 52.463682 -1.562949
CV7 8QJ 0 52.490501 -1.570755