all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 5LJ 36 0 53.100699 -2.427673
CW1 5LL 52 0 53.101482 -2.41987
CW1 5LN 29 0 53.10044 -2.422085
CW1 5LP 28 0 53.102865 -2.420167
CW1 5LQ 10 0 53.103475 -2.42567
CW1 5LR 52 0 53.10365 -2.422042
CW1 5LS 3 0 53.099424 -2.417042
CW1 5LT 1 0 53.099261 -2.412366
CW1 5LU 24 3 53.100088 -2.417452
CW1 5LW 22 0 53.100692 -2.419668
CW1 5LX 2 0 53.104103 -2.41525
CW1 5LY 7 0 53.103567 -2.419831
CW1 5LZ 71 0 53.10468 -2.41784
CW1 5NA 2 0 53.105947 -2.412475
CW1 5NB 6 0 53.104628 -2.419856
CW1 5ND 12 0 53.105086 -2.41753
CW1 5NE 12 0 53.104239 -2.420539
CW1 5NF 20 1 53.105528 -2.42212
CW1 5NG 3 1 53.11053 -2.421034
CW1 5NH 12 0 53.103698 -2.418592