all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 5SS 12 0 53.095789 -2.394398
CW1 5ST 8 1 53.096303 -2.393506
CW1 5SU 4 0 53.096039 -2.392354
CW1 5SX 8 0 53.095865 -2.393069
CW1 5SY 16 0 53.096982 -2.392019
CW1 5SZ 15 0 53.096347 -2.391103
CW1 5TA 24 0 53.096033 -2.38871
CW1 5TB 3 1 53.092214 -2.385301
CW1 5TD 22 0 53.097193 -2.390707
CW1 5TE 6 0 53.097743 -2.390682
CW1 5TF 53 1 53.098832 -2.392693
CW1 5TG 20 0 53.098445 -2.393167
CW1 5TH 2 0 53.100511 -2.38769
CW1 5TJ 2 0 53.099826 -2.376991
CW1 5TL 3 0 53.101818 -2.378621
CW1 5TN 6 0 53.105899 -2.384378
CW1 5TP 11 0 53.110228 -2.385372
CW1 5TQ 9 0 53.101445 -2.391059
CW1 5TR 5 0 53.109171 -2.378715
CW1 5TU 48 0 53.102472 -2.398491