all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 5QJ 16 0 53.100537 -2.404597
CW1 5QL 10 0 53.100783 -2.403599
CW1 5QN 5 0 53.101716 -2.406953
CW1 5QP 16 0 53.103177 -2.399559
CW1 5QR 16 0 53.09653 -2.398526
CW1 5QS 1 0 53.095757 -2.395921
CW1 5QU 4 0 53.095823 -2.395115
CW1 5QW 25 0 53.104596 -2.397421
CW1 5QX 18 6 53.099274 -2.395102
CW1 5QZ 19 5 53.098272 -2.393793
CW1 5QY 1 1 53.097684 -2.394938
CW1 5RA 22 0 53.099682 -2.404977
CW1 5RD 8 3 53.101447 -2.393299
CW1 5RE 12 2 53.10077 -2.394055
CW1 5RF 6 0 53.101469 -2.39442
CW1 5RG 13 2 53.102405 -2.393831
CW1 5RH 46 0 53.10238 -2.391127
CW1 5RJ 4 1 53.102923 -2.394836
CW1 5RL 20 0 53.104158 -2.391771
CW1 5RN 11 0 53.10369 -2.391766