all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 5RP 20 0 53.10504 -2.391211
CW1 5RQ 10 3 53.102723 -2.393445
CW1 5RR 12 0 53.105361 -2.39208
CW1 5RS 8 0 53.105715 -2.391143
CW1 5RT 13 0 53.104709 -2.388206
CW1 5RU 23 2 53.10532 -2.388047
CW1 5RW 16 0 53.097601 -2.395684
CW1 5RY 34 1 53.104022 -2.394563
CW1 5RZ 27 0 53.104107 -2.396117
CW1 5SA 52 0 53.104716 -2.394076
CW1 5SB 8 0 53.104543 -2.392237
CW1 5SD 7 1 53.105604 -2.394816
CW1 5SE 15 1 53.108768 -2.392081
CW1 5SF 10 0 53.110079 -2.392586
CW1 5SG 9 0 53.110182 -2.393872
CW1 5SH 8 0 53.113579 -2.410083
CW1 5SJ 4 0 53.101403 -2.392821
CW1 5SL 1 1 53.097116 -2.395485
CW1 5SQ 14 6 53.122033 -2.401138
CW1 5SR 1 1 53.098771 -2.395067