all postcodes in CW6 / TARPORLEY

find any address or company within the CW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW6 0UW 4 53.159831 -2.669141
CW6 0WT 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 0XA 0 53.182974 -2.677836
CW6 0XP 0 53.203255 -2.714416
CW6 0YZ 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 0HZ 5 0 53.184996 -2.74271
CW6 0GL 8 0 53.21942 -2.673888
CW6 0HU 5 0 53.172175 -2.713645
CW6 0EN 1 0 53.176786 -2.731586
CW6 0LF 0 53.204223 -2.716363
CW6 0JB 1 0 53.166368 -2.660326
CW6 0DU 5 0 53.156976 -2.658927
CW6 0GF 34 0 53.163333 -2.668238
CW6 0RG 8 0 53.206303 -2.721713
CW6 0GN 33 0 53.206685 -2.713545
CW6 0GP 0 53.168922 -2.718019
CW6 0UQ 4 0 53.20762 -2.706986
CW6 0GQ 11 0 53.203857 -2.710951
CW6 0PW 1 0 53.206602 -2.716312
CW6 0RU 14 0 53.205943 -2.71684