all postcodes in CW6 / TARPORLEY

find any address or company within the CW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW6 0RX 64 0 53.206329 -2.715514
CW6 6AB 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6AW 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BA 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BP 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BR 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BS 1 0 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BT 0 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BU 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BW 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BX 1 0 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 6BY 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 9RP 13 0 53.097074 -2.63549
CW6 9AA 1 53.162255 -2.643227
CW6 9AB 0 53.165669 -2.640257
CW6 9AD 0 53.165058 -2.637257
CW6 9AE 0 53.165647 -2.641469
CW6 9AF 0 53.166193 -2.640191
CW6 9AG 0 53.16881 -2.638195
CW6 9AJ 0 53.166667 -2.638581