all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 2RS 33 0 53.27266 -2.633084
CW8 2RT 6 0 53.277661 -2.641001
CW8 2RU 1 1 53.280878 -2.638858
CW8 2RW 18 1 53.265932 -2.635638
CW8 2RX 1 0 53.255363 -2.641355
CW8 2RY 3 0 53.279008 -2.636267
CW8 2RZ 4 0 53.278304 -2.629973
CW8 2SA 4 0 53.266775 -2.630958
CW8 2SD 4 0 53.266416 -2.632557
CW8 2SE 8 0 53.247568 -2.571162
CW8 2SF 6 0 53.250108 -2.581207
CW8 2SG 11 2 53.243778 -2.589545
CW8 2SH 9 1 53.242952 -2.574654
CW8 2SJ 2 0 53.241894 -2.593563
CW8 2SL 6 0 53.242771 -2.593067
CW8 2SP 4 0 53.248877 -2.596179
CW8 2SQ 4 0 53.239163 -2.591984
CW8 2SR 15 0 53.256839 -2.594821
CW8 2SU 3 1 53.248824 -2.591951
CW8 2SS 19 0 53.257581 -2.593962