all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 2ZH 0 53.240434 -2.563472
CW8 2ZJ 0 53.240544 -2.564972
CW8 2ZL 0 53.240969 -2.564483
CW8 2DH 4 0 53.265321 -2.635539
CW8 2ZN 6 0 53.240313 -2.564279
CW8 2ZP 8 0 53.240484 -2.564297
CW8 2AL 5 0 53.240388 -2.56933
CW8 2ZS 5 0 53.214063 -2.651147
CW8 2ZT 49 0 53.213671 -2.650527
CW8 2DB 3 0 53.213081 -2.651552
CW8 2FR 44 0 53.246481 -2.598512
CW8 2DQ 10 0 53.248022 -2.59765
CW8 2FH 29 0 53.246084 -2.600545
CW8 2EQ 38 0 53.247918 -2.599223
CW8 2FP 5 0 53.246122 -2.600201
CW8 2YT 1 0 53.231119 -2.606104
CW8 2AD 6 0 53.231621 -2.605795
CW8 2BF 43 0 53.230736 -2.604884
CW8 2BS 49 0 53.230004 -2.607345
CW8 2DG 5 0 53.230229 -2.606107