all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 2PP 4 0 53.233617 -2.593825
CW8 2PQ 4 0 53.233247 -2.603018
CW8 2PR 2 0 53.23124 -2.593955
CW8 2PS 4 1 53.238748 -2.599485
CW8 2PT 21 0 53.237924 -2.598994
CW8 2PU 12 0 53.237762 -2.597104
CW8 2PW 11 0 53.241752 -2.558514
CW8 2PX 7 0 53.238809 -2.599905
CW8 2PY 6 0 53.238893 -2.60112
CW8 2PZ 9 0 53.239218 -2.60072
CW8 2QA 4 0 53.238935 -2.601735
CW8 2QB 14 0 53.238031 -2.600958
CW8 2QD 28 0 53.237526 -2.601206
CW8 2QE 8 0 53.236674 -2.600218
CW8 2QF 21 0 53.235802 -2.600777
CW8 2QG 5 0 53.23607 -2.60114
CW8 2QH 10 0 53.236104 -2.596226
CW8 2QJ 5 0 53.23525 -2.594462
CW8 2QL 24 0 53.23521 -2.602447
CW8 2QN 55 0 53.234416 -2.597551