all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 1DQ 18 0 52.923004 -1.488501
DE1 1DR 36 0 52.92281 -1.489482
DE1 1DS 24 0 52.923442 -1.490129
DE1 1DT 36 0 52.922609 -1.490811
DE1 1DU 7 4 52.925546 -1.490178
DE1 1DW 35 1 52.926378 -1.491466
DE1 1DX 66 0 52.926526 -1.492354
DE1 1DZ 10 7 52.924816 -1.485624
DE1 1EE 13 11 52.924304 -1.483663
DE1 1EH 11 3 52.923772 -1.483223
DE1 1EN 4 0 52.926119 -1.491886
DE1 1EQ 8 6 52.92178 -1.477952
DE1 1ES 21 13 52.921761 -1.477714
DE1 1EX 31 16 52.923276 -1.482872
DE1 1EZ 10 2 52.923673 -1.485203
DE1 1FG 1 1 52.923118 -1.483647
DE1 1FL 7 4 52.924358 -1.487649
DE1 1FN 4 2 52.924687 -1.489043
DE1 1FP 16 4 52.925035 -1.490482
DE1 1FR 14 9 52.924496 -1.490518