all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 1FT 6 5 52.92426 -1.490108
DE1 1FW 1 1 52.924019 -1.49039
DE1 1FZ 40 1 52.923789 -1.489351
DE1 1GA 51 5 52.924743 -1.491723
DE1 1GE 23 2 52.92274 -1.494049
DE1 1GF 19 0 52.92445 -1.492515
DE1 1GG 1 0 52.925246 -1.491539
DE1 1GH 14 0 52.925047 -1.49124
DE1 1GJ 20 1 52.924134 -1.49417
DE1 1GL 39 1 52.92421 -1.495237
DE1 1GN 40 3 52.923357 -1.495484
DE1 1GP 37 1 52.923169 -1.495684
DE1 1GQ 2 0 52.923576 -1.4963
DE1 1GR 27 0 52.922234 -1.493538
DE1 1GS 30 0 52.9226 -1.492849
DE1 1GT 29 1 52.924815 -1.493731
DE1 1GU 47 0 52.923717 -1.495633
DE1 1GX 33 0 52.924526 -1.495605
DE1 1GY 1 1 52.924651 -1.486994
DE1 1HA 10 5 52.922228 -1.47969