all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 1HE 48 0 52.924004 -1.487013
DE1 1HF 42 0 52.923637 -1.487434
DE1 1HJ 10 5 52.922638 -1.480782
DE1 1HN 1 1 52.92252 -1.480668
DE1 1HQ 1 1 52.921346 -1.481545
DE1 1HS 1 1 52.922678 -1.479729
DE1 1HT 19 7 52.921971 -1.480463
DE1 1HU 19 7 52.921984 -1.481508
DE1 1JD 16 1 52.921711 -1.482608
DE1 1JF 10 3 52.922157 -1.483867
DE1 1JG 24 1 52.923302 -1.484746
DE1 1JL 48 22 52.922 -1.485089
DE1 1JN 5 0 52.920436 -1.485036
DE1 1JQ 23 3 52.921194 -1.483793
DE1 1JT 4 2 52.92187 -1.4821
DE1 1JW 3 3 52.921587 -1.478906
DE1 1JX 1 1 52.92115 -1.481767
DE1 1JY 1 1 52.921833 -1.479736
DE1 1LB 9 0 52.919322 -1.481108
DE1 1LD 20 0 52.920704 -1.490968