all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 1LE 35 3 52.920376 -1.479486
DE1 1LF 11 1 52.920761 -1.481162
DE1 1LG 8 1 52.920898 -1.481907
DE1 1LH 13 3 52.922203 -1.482111
DE1 1LL 6 5 52.9225 -1.482182
DE1 1LN 22 2 52.921609 -1.484022
DE1 1LP 57 1 52.921755 -1.484392
DE1 1LQ 1 1 52.92123 -1.496361
DE1 1LR 29 13 52.921008 -1.490592
DE1 1LS 1 1 52.922706 -1.484143
DE1 1LT 41 3 52.920564 -1.49394
DE1 1LU 33 0 52.920736 -1.492109
DE1 1LX 27 2 52.919682 -1.495854
DE1 1LY 28 20 52.921296 -1.499197
DE1 1ND 11 0 52.920029 -1.495021
DE1 1NE 5 5 52.920378 -1.496772
DE1 1NF 39 1 52.919472 -1.49721
DE1 1NG 28 2 52.919819 -1.496347
DE1 1NH 1 1 52.923483 -1.493282
DE1 1NN 23 17 52.920546 -1.477253