all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 8HZ 42 1 52.904857 -1.472777
DE23 8JA 41 1 52.904087 -1.471388
DE23 8JB 33 1 52.90314 -1.470775
DE23 8JD 1 0 52.902464 -1.47014
DE23 8JE 45 0 52.904902 -1.47062
DE23 8JF 0 52.90472 -1.47031
DE23 8JG 0 52.905699 -1.472127
DE23 8JH 0 52.90559 -1.471771
DE23 8JJ 0 52.909275 -1.467485
DE23 8JL 1 52.911961 -1.465211
DE23 8JQ 6 52.911618 -1.464705
DE23 8JS 1 52.911203 -1.466421
DE23 8JU 0 52.913696 -1.471242
DE23 8JW 0 52.911937 -1.469847
DE23 8JX 5 52.911084 -1.467954
DE23 8JZ 1 52.912318 -1.470615
DE23 8LB 4 52.909212 -1.465627
DE23 8LD 10 52.908957 -1.464812
DE23 8LG 0 52.910576 -1.465094
DE23 8LH 1 52.908916 -1.467776