all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 8YB 14 52.906797 -1.466326
DE23 8YJ 12 52.903347 -1.468613
DE23 8YL 10 52.901732 -1.469529
DE23 8ZX 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE23 8XL 2 0 52.914392 -1.474055
DE23 8BH 12 0 52.909733 -1.467454
DE23 8ND 0 52.903926 -1.469498
DE23 8NB 2 0 52.905039 -1.469009
DE23 8NE 50 0 52.904387 -1.468144
DE23 8NG 22 0 52.904686 -1.468705
DE23 8BJ 6 0 52.898828 -1.479539
DE23 8BL 70 0 52.894224 -1.48955
DE23 8DW 0 52.897645 -1.488484