all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 8LJ 0 52.908387 -1.468139
DE23 8LL 0 52.909953 -1.464428
DE23 8LN 0 52.909431 -1.464286
DE23 8LS 1 52.907868 -1.468681
DE23 8LT 0 52.907479 -1.467983
DE23 8LU 3 52.90844 -1.46983
DE23 8LW 4 52.905866 -1.467125
DE23 8LX 1 52.907123 -1.464761
DE23 8LZ 0 52.904368 -1.469924
DE23 8NA 0 52.903732 -1.470426
DE23 8NL 18 52.907967 -1.466624
DE23 8NN 0 52.906095 -1.474219
DE23 8NP 0 52.905923 -1.474013
DE23 8NQ 7 52.905166 -1.475341
DE23 8NR 0 52.904573 -1.473657
DE23 8NS 1 52.90368 -1.472835
DE23 8NT 7 52.902571 -1.472012
DE23 8NW 1 52.901848 -1.471252
DE23 8NX 4 52.903098 -1.469285
DE23 8NY 0 52.903236 -1.470001