all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 8NZ 1 52.90245 -1.471166
DE23 8PA 2 52.902657 -1.471242
DE23 8PB 4 52.901654 -1.474139
DE23 8PE 1 52.901154 -1.476832
DE23 8PF 1 52.901201 -1.475329
DE23 8PG 0 52.901468 -1.476698
DE23 8PH 0 52.900272 -1.474586
DE23 8PJ 1 52.900256 -1.475047
DE23 8PL 0 52.902376 -1.476836
DE23 8PN 3 52.902921 -1.474064
DE23 8PP 0 52.903279 -1.47174
DE23 8PQ 2 52.904236 -1.472531
DE23 8PR 2 52.90358 -1.474621
DE23 8PS 0 52.903186 -1.477093
DE23 8PT 0 52.907512 -1.475357
DE23 8PU 0 52.906902 -1.473763
DE23 8PX 0 52.906335 -1.475505
DE23 8PY 0 52.906449 -1.474776
DE23 8PZ 0 52.90466 -1.476882
DE23 8QA 0 52.904703 -1.476436