all postcodes in DE72 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE72 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE72 2HX 19 1 52.848504 -1.39932
DE72 2SP 1 1 52.860672 -1.369001
DE72 2UH 17 1 52.862792 -1.385977
DE72 2UJ 4 0 52.864795 -1.38381
DE72 2UQ 21 0 52.862356 -1.386889
DE72 2WA 2 2 52.868062 -1.367328
DE72 2WD 18 0 52.869699 -1.360862
DE72 2WE 23 0 52.869407 -1.343664
DE72 2WW 3 3 52.867838 -1.370991
DE72 2DX 0 52.867638 -1.386087
DE72 2DY 0 52.870364 -1.36418
DE72 2BS 8 0 52.849817 -1.399376
DE72 2EA 49 0 52.855214 -1.387653
DE72 2EB 18 0 52.854424 -1.387887
DE72 2ED 10 0 52.854355 -1.388363
DE72 2EE 19 0 52.854557 -1.387454
DE72 2EF 11 0 52.853814 -1.388073
DE72 2EG 18 0 52.853933 -1.388517
DE72 2EH 2 0 52.86137 -1.39076
DE72 3AA 72 0 52.900065 -1.310802