all postcodes in DH9 / STANLEY

find any address or company within the DH9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH9 9TG 1 1 54.885501 -1.723035
DH9 9TH 24 0 54.88596 -1.723671
DH9 9TJ 18 1 54.885757 -1.725741
DH9 9TL 1 1 54.885618 -1.727149
DH9 9TN 15 0 54.886429 -1.724182
DH9 9TP 12 0 54.886314 -1.724946
DH9 9TQ 3 0 54.884934 -1.722758
DH9 9TR 10 0 54.886216 -1.725274
DH9 9TS 10 0 54.886082 -1.725572
DH9 9TT 8 0 54.88601 -1.725915
DH9 9TU 1 0 54.883331 -1.729362
DH9 9TW 14 0 54.886349 -1.724588
DH9 9TY 9 0 54.87198 -1.729262
DH9 9UA 5 0 54.875216 -1.73752
DH9 9UB 3 0 54.873751 -1.725172
DH9 9UE 3 2 54.885832 -1.722705
DH9 9UF 6 0 54.875137 -1.73816
DH9 9UH 13 0 54.87807 -1.711755
DH9 9UJ 34 0 54.879361 -1.714536
DH9 9UL 10 0 54.879894 -1.71182