all postcodes in DH9 / STANLEY

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Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH9 9JL 8 0 54.884709 -1.743179
DH9 9JP 2 2 54.88891 -1.745627
DH9 9JQ 41 0 54.882553 -1.747729
DH9 9JT 9 0 54.884953 -1.748956
DH9 9JU 2 0 54.885439 -1.748922
DH9 9JW 18 0 54.884971 -1.748135
DH9 9LR 22 0 54.885373 -1.746916
DH9 9JY 8 1 54.885062 -1.749267
DH9 9JZ 2 0 54.886185 -1.749042
DH9 9LD 1 0 54.884552 -1.762914
DH9 9LE 3 0 54.883728 -1.75101
DH9 9LF 17 0 54.879454 -1.757037
DH9 9LG 18 0 54.878582 -1.756855
DH9 9LH 37 0 54.877777 -1.758871
DH9 9LN 17 0 54.883092 -1.751903
DH9 9LQ 26 0 54.878736 -1.757712
DH9 9LS 21 0 54.882409 -1.718816
DH9 9LT 20 0 54.882291 -1.718443
DH9 9LU 4 3 54.882388 -1.717632
DH9 9LW 15 0 54.884326 -1.744772