all postcodes in DH9 / STANLEY

find any address or company within the DH9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH9 9BB 17 2 54.877598 -1.750175
DH9 9BD 14 0 54.877715 -1.750564
DH9 9BE 13 0 54.879364 -1.749131
DH9 9BH 28 0 54.879673 -1.750038
DH9 9BJ 38 0 54.88243 -1.749226
DH9 9BL 22 0 54.883216 -1.746836
DH9 9BQ 71 0 54.880812 -1.748706
DH9 9DE 2 0 54.876568 -1.76185
DH9 9DN 8 1 54.876455 -1.76279
DH9 9DF 2 1 54.876308 -1.762241
DH9 9DH 3 0 54.876829 -1.761339
DH9 9DJ 3 1 54.876795 -1.762165
DH9 9DL 2 0 54.876776 -1.762332
DH9 9DQ 3 1 54.876049 -1.763037
DH9 9DR 2 1 54.876626 -1.763922
DH9 9DS 9 0 54.875972 -1.764367
DH9 9DT 24 0 54.875577 -1.7644
DH9 9DU 16 0 54.875513 -1.763793
DH9 9DX 18 0 54.874595 -1.763362
DH9 9DY 38 0 54.874722 -1.763969