all postcodes in DH9 / STANLEY

find any address or company within the DH9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DH / Durham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DH9 9DW 0 54.87674 -1.761557
DH9 9JS 2 0 54.885025 -1.748862
DH9 9JX 3 0 54.884687 -1.745627
DH9 9LA 47 0 54.885515 -1.745886
DH9 9LB 12 0 54.884493 -1.747436
DH9 9LL 14 0 54.886003 -1.747364
DH9 9LP 17 0 54.885591 -1.748115
DH9 9BG 8 0 54.879949 -1.748587
DH9 9PP 1 0 54.889281 -1.721652
DH9 9DB 6 54.885272 -1.702476
DH9 9EY 0 54.875219 -1.765769
DH9 9DA 1 1 54.877701 -1.761552
DH9 9BF 3 0 54.877375 -1.759933
DH9 9BP 1 54.880308 -1.757359
DH9 9NB 2 0 54.884859 -1.746634
DH9 9XH 1 1 54.879949 -1.697929