all postcodes in DL13 / BISHOP AUCKLAND

find any address or company within the DL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL13 5BE 1 0 54.637 -1.803273
DL13 5BG 2 0 54.631477 -1.800597
DL13 5BH 3 0 54.634545 -1.792356
DL13 5BJ 3 1 54.614023 -1.799466
DL13 5BQ 1 0 54.630743 -1.791833
DL13 5DD 24 0 54.611458 -1.802157
DL13 5DE 36 0 54.61172 -1.803209
DL13 5DF 15 0 54.611336 -1.804805
DL13 5DG 8 0 54.611524 -1.804185
DL13 5DH 20 0 54.614106 -1.806077
DL13 5DJ 12 0 54.613171 -1.806081
DL13 5DL 3 0 54.612679 -1.80709
DL13 5DN 27 0 54.611924 -1.807016
DL13 5DP 32 0 54.614488 -1.808769
DL13 5DQ 2 1 54.613187 -1.804898
DL13 5DR 22 0 54.614081 -1.807479
DL13 5DS 30 2 54.613328 -1.80862
DL13 5DT 2 0 54.613552 -1.808581
DL13 5DU 17 0 54.612168 -1.807789
DL13 5DW 50 0 54.615025 -1.807373