all postcodes in DL13 / BISHOP AUCKLAND

find any address or company within the DL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL13 5NH 5 0 54.642637 -1.901477
DL13 5NJ 1 0 54.634243 -1.912734
DL13 5NL 1 0 54.645958 -1.935535
DL13 5NN 4 0 54.622708 -1.859529
DL13 5NQ 1 0 54.634712 -1.892067
DL13 5NU 20 1 54.6263 -1.836014
DL13 5NX 27 5 54.626543 -1.835958
DL13 5PA 2 0 54.626036 -1.833769
DL13 5PB 3 1 54.626215 -1.832753
DL13 5PD 23 0 54.625792 -1.832259
DL13 5PE 12 0 54.626096 -1.831461
DL13 5PF 19 0 54.626601 -1.832457
DL13 5PH 1 0 54.626681 -1.838838
DL13 5PJ 8 0 54.626924 -1.838527
DL13 5PL 5 0 54.627069 -1.839379
DL13 5PN 4 0 54.626827 -1.839844
DL13 5PP 2 0 54.627052 -1.840859
DL13 5PR 2 0 54.627097 -1.841199
DL13 5PS 1 0 54.627234 -1.842376
DL13 5PU 4 0 54.62718 -1.841918