all postcodes in DL13 / BISHOP AUCKLAND

find any address or company within the DL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL13 5LA 1 0 54.630336 -1.85041
DL13 5LB 1 0 54.636474 -1.857654
DL13 5LD 1 0 54.62911 -1.840331
DL13 5LL 8 0 54.624452 -1.845228
DL13 5LN 7 1 54.625191 -1.846758
DL13 5LP 16 0 54.622743 -1.858708
DL13 5LQ 6 0 54.621899 -1.837726
DL13 5LR 31 2 54.62367 -1.868106
DL13 5LS 17 0 54.623346 -1.867977
DL13 5LT 6 0 54.623393 -1.869439
DL13 5LU 6 0 54.623258 -1.868866
DL13 5LW 11 0 54.62291 -1.855223
DL13 5LX 2 0 54.623141 -1.869356
DL13 5LY 6 0 54.623006 -1.868929
DL13 5LZ 5 0 54.622648 -1.870231
DL13 5NA 18 1 54.624392 -1.870721
DL13 5NB 8 0 54.624671 -1.871355
DL13 5ND 27 0 54.628201 -1.878128
DL13 5NF 8 0 54.631341 -1.881635
DL13 5NG 1 0 54.635895 -1.888997