all postcodes in DL14 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL14 8SY 15 0 54.645509 -1.650999
DL14 8SZ 7 0 54.645212 -1.651033
DL14 8TA 8 0 54.645455 -1.650731
DL14 8TB 5 0 54.644589 -1.649922
DL14 8TD 25 3 54.644244 -1.648701
DL14 8TE 10 0 54.643813 -1.648705
DL14 8TJ 28 0 54.645096 -1.647681
DL14 8TL 24 1 54.645744 -1.64827
DL14 8TN 10 0 54.645454 -1.647467
DL14 8TP 17 0 54.64567 -1.647537
DL14 8TR 1 0 54.646029 -1.647317
DL14 8TT 1 0 54.645629 -1.649108
DL14 8TW 2 0 54.645552 -1.647011
DL14 8UA 17 0 54.647445 -1.649009
DL14 8UB 5 0 54.647741 -1.649105
DL14 8UE 8 0 54.647901 -1.648453
DL14 8UH 23 0 54.647341 -1.64729
DL14 8UJ 7 0 54.646881 -1.647051
DL14 8UL 20 0 54.646755 -1.646727
DL14 8UN 1 0 54.644312 -1.647414