all postcodes in DL14 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL14 8JP 43 0 54.663754 -1.624457
DL14 8JR 21 0 54.662631 -1.624576
DL14 8JS 22 0 54.661937 -1.624117
DL14 8JT 5 0 54.662465 -1.623353
DL14 8JU 4 0 54.66436 -1.622916
DL14 8JW 7 0 54.663878 -1.626797
DL14 8JX 15 0 54.662341 -1.623803
DL14 8JY 12 0 54.663023 -1.623626
DL14 8JZ 19 1 54.660732 -1.623911
DL14 8LA 16 0 54.661062 -1.623149
DL14 8LB 47 0 54.661218 -1.624139
DL14 8LD 6 0 54.661584 -1.623376
DL14 8LE 20 0 54.661581 -1.62519
DL14 8LF 8 0 54.660737 -1.625322
DL14 8LG 41 3 54.662251 -1.632749
DL14 8LH 61 7 54.660964 -1.629257
DL14 8LL 39 4 54.660354 -1.626596
DL14 8LP 5 0 54.662206 -1.629571
DL14 8LQ 14 0 54.662963 -1.630541
DL14 8LR 7 0 54.661287 -1.629053