all postcodes in DL14 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL14 8NW 2 0 54.658634 -1.63118
DL14 8NX 27 0 54.661315 -1.626479
DL14 8PA 3 0 54.662717 -1.629458
DL14 8PB 53 0 54.663996 -1.630268
DL14 8PD 35 0 54.663889 -1.633401
DL14 8PF 9 0 54.664365 -1.630265
DL14 8PG 3 2 54.662597 -1.631134
DL14 8PJ 27 0 54.664069 -1.6365
DL14 8PN 35 0 54.665084 -1.636145
DL14 8PP 14 0 54.664709 -1.6373
DL14 8PQ 23 0 54.662985 -1.631766
DL14 8PS 1 0 54.664362 -1.638451
DL14 8PW 19 0 54.6646 -1.636681
DL14 8PX 9 0 54.663378 -1.639917
DL14 8PY 1 0 54.661896 -1.640286
DL14 8PZ 6 0 54.666792 -1.645809
DL14 8QB 13 3 54.666042 -1.647443
DL14 8QD 1 0 54.665812 -1.648469
DL14 8QE 1 1 54.665577 -1.648068
DL14 8QH 17 0 54.662247 -1.649523