all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2SB 1 1 54.500506 -1.557426
DL2 2SD 12 0 54.497744 -1.573585
DL2 2SE 4 0 54.490741 -1.561175
DL2 2SF 1 0 54.483187 -1.557212
DL2 2SG 3 0 54.483382 -1.556531
DL2 2SH 1 0 54.484534 -1.557074
DL2 2SJ 1 0 54.484143 -1.558128
DL2 2SL 2 0 54.483446 -1.55853
DL2 2SN 33 0 54.483191 -1.560793
DL2 2SP 14 1 54.483093 -1.562948
DL2 2SQ 9 0 54.483696 -1.556388
DL2 2SR 6 1 54.48312 -1.557978
DL2 2SS 8 0 54.482336 -1.558086
DL2 2ST 1 1 54.482446 -1.556186
DL2 2SW 9 0 54.48376 -1.561636
DL2 2SX 11 0 54.48077 -1.555
DL2 2SY 6 0 54.476407 -1.555489
DL2 2SZ 3 0 54.481322 -1.55609
DL2 2TA 3 0 54.481119 -1.557095
DL2 2TB 2 0 54.480547 -1.557234