all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2TD 4 0 54.481205 -1.558406
DL2 2TE 3 0 54.481055 -1.559041
DL2 2TF 7 1 54.482449 -1.577115
DL2 2TG 1 0 54.475118 -1.596017
DL2 2TH 4 0 54.464885 -1.591675
DL2 2TJ 5 2 54.456794 -1.59852
DL2 2TL 1 0 54.471625 -1.555856
DL2 2TN 5 0 54.484145 -1.556152
DL2 2TQ 3 0 54.476258 -1.567117
DL2 2TU 5 0 54.59235 -1.626181
DL2 2TW 9 0 54.482528 -1.558809
DL2 2TY 1 0 54.583374 -1.638734
DL2 2TZ 1 0 54.576834 -1.630593
DL2 2UA 7 0 54.575421 -1.638743
DL2 2UB 4 0 54.576386 -1.639941
DL2 2UD 3 1 54.571782 -1.642162
DL2 2UE 1 0 54.580084 -1.644302
DL2 2UF 6 0 54.594587 -1.652967
DL2 2UG 10 1 54.597208 -1.661565
DL2 2UH 15 1 54.606812 -1.66065