all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2QW 9 0 54.496859 -1.586045
DL2 2QY 22 0 54.511537 -1.613883
DL2 2RA 3 0 54.512538 -1.617204
DL2 2RB 5 1 54.50907 -1.617907
DL2 2RD 5 1 54.510068 -1.638686
DL2 2RE 7 0 54.515831 -1.657474
DL2 2RF 3 1 54.516729 -1.661041
DL2 2RG 2 0 54.516084 -1.660963
DL2 2RH 6 0 54.516619 -1.663544
DL2 2RJ 5 0 54.515358 -1.672313
DL2 2RL 34 0 54.515072 -1.6628
DL2 2RN 16 0 54.514777 -1.659893
DL2 2RP 2 0 54.49805 -1.655847
DL2 2RQ 7 0 54.516561 -1.662108
DL2 2RR 14 0 54.50296 -1.59355
DL2 2RS 8 0 54.516572 -1.659482
DL2 2RT 8 0 54.515954 -1.660244
DL2 2RU 1 0 54.502784 -1.594632
DL2 2RW 1 0 54.512708 -1.659453
DL2 2SA 7 1 54.507491 -1.555668