all postcodes in DL3 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL3 7BQ 20 2 54.528169 -1.565147
DL3 7DA 36 0 54.527159 -1.561165
DL3 7DB 16 0 54.527153 -1.562154
DL3 7DD 5 0 54.527107 -1.561845
DL3 7DE 11 0 54.52648 -1.562284
DL3 7DF 6 0 54.52628 -1.561777
DL3 7DG 22 0 54.526474 -1.561348
DL3 7DH 3 1 54.525689 -1.560538
DL3 7DJ 5 0 54.525851 -1.560351
DL3 7DL 3 2 54.525682 -1.560847
DL3 7DN 23 0 54.526063 -1.5613
DL3 7DP 6 1 54.525675 -1.56162
DL3 7DQ 5 0 54.526689 -1.561006
DL3 7DR 1 1 54.526245 -1.56013
DL3 7DW 10 0 54.525877 -1.562167
DL3 7EA 25 0 54.526442 -1.567467
DL3 7EB 6 0 54.526111 -1.567826
DL3 7EE 12 6 54.523232 -1.559297
DL3 7EH 23 8 54.522646 -1.561405
DL3 7ES 7 0 54.521371 -1.564168