all postcodes in DL3 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL3 7NJ 10 7 54.524529 -1.557816
DL3 7NR 15 10 54.525786 -1.557524
DL3 7NW 8 6 54.525123 -1.557856
DL3 7PD 3 0 54.527115 -1.559626
DL3 7PF 1 1 54.526353 -1.555247
DL3 7PJ 8 6 54.527756 -1.560439
DL3 7PN 26 0 54.527755 -1.560052
DL3 7PL 5 5 54.528141 -1.561958
DL3 7PR 39 0 54.529316 -1.56125
DL3 7PS 38 2 54.528976 -1.561794
DL3 7PT 8 0 54.529053 -1.560696
DL3 7PW 15 1 54.528196 -1.560341
DL3 7PY 11 1 54.528963 -1.563531
DL3 7PZ 7 1 54.52858 -1.564555
DL3 7QE 1 1 54.524227 -1.556351
DL3 7QF 1 1 54.52446 -1.556148
DL3 7QH 15 13 54.524677 -1.556516
DL3 7QL 9 4 54.524811 -1.556345
DL3 7QP 1 1 54.525214 -1.55597
DL3 7QQ 12 9 54.524648 -1.555821