all postcodes in DL3 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL3 7HZ 1 1 54.52228 -1.561449
DL3 7JA 2 2 54.526042 -1.555676
DL3 7JB 1 1 54.526032 -1.555806
DL3 7JE 11 10 54.526118 -1.556664
DL3 7JG 2 1 54.526246 -1.557389
DL3 7JJ 39 19 54.526954 -1.559096
DL3 7JR 7 5 54.527221 -1.559007
DL3 7JT 11 10 54.526969 -1.55837
DL3 7JX 1 1 54.523519 -1.55914
DL3 7JY 6 6 54.526593 -1.557005
DL3 7LB 7 6 54.52641 -1.556127
DL3 7LG 2 2 54.526248 -1.555473
DL3 7LH 6 6 54.525983 -1.557167
DL3 7LL 12 10 54.525239 -1.557276
DL3 7LP 13 8 54.525058 -1.556784
DL3 7LQ 1 1 54.526326 -1.555062
DL3 7LU 12 7 54.524941 -1.556677
DL3 7LX 18 12 54.524483 -1.557353
DL3 7NB 12 11 54.523894 -1.558032
DL3 7NG 4 0 54.524263 -1.558622