all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2NS 1 0 54.363467 -1.447509
DL6 2NT 8 0 54.365653 -1.453775
DL6 2NU 1 0 54.379242 -1.453902
DL6 2NW 3 2 54.351822 -1.447958
DL6 2NX 3 0 54.377747 -1.44741
DL6 2PA 7 2 54.383769 -1.445558
DL6 2PB 11 0 54.39184 -1.447652
DL6 2PD 4 0 54.373258 -1.436741
DL6 2PE 4 0 54.371891 -1.428848
DL6 2PF 11 0 54.366223 -1.429496
DL6 2PG 2 0 54.358514 -1.436906
DL6 2PH 1 1 54.348759 -1.444491
DL6 2PJ 1 1 54.348623 -1.445626
DL6 2PL 1 1 54.346268 -1.440263
DL6 2PP 1 0 54.390119 -1.456407
DL6 2PR 2 0 54.395919 -1.456586
DL6 2PS 8 0 54.398028 -1.448708
DL6 2PT 3 1 54.402331 -1.447706
DL6 2PU 40 0 54.362139 -1.426813
DL6 2PW 1 1 54.356428 -1.448429