all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2NJ 18 13 54.350666 -1.438367
DL6 2DS 1 0 54.380065 -1.385779
DL6 2NL 11 7 54.349666 -1.43854
DL6 2BF 7 54.348283 -1.44983
DL6 2NQ 18 16 54.349076 -1.440389
DL6 2ST 2 0 54.361839 -1.423472
DL6 2EE 1 0 54.392185 -1.354089
DL6 2BG 1 1 54.348642 -1.444431
DL6 3AA 29 4 54.368821 -1.301369
DL6 3AD 0 54.369004 -1.303397
DL6 3AE 0 54.368567 -1.302373
DL6 3AF 0 54.368175 -1.300883
DL6 3AG 2 54.36841 -1.300113
DL6 3AH 2 54.376082 -1.293379
DL6 3AJ 0 54.374067 -1.296184
DL6 3AL 0 54.37872 -1.292687
DL6 3AN 1 54.376774 -1.297442
DL6 3AP 0 54.375592 -1.305929
DL6 3AQ 0 54.372543 -1.289145
DL6 3AR 0 54.372161 -1.309574