all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2TE 1 0 54.370347 -1.326202
DL6 2TF 2 0 54.367112 -1.320894
DL6 2TG 4 0 54.371534 -1.399063
DL6 2TJ 5 0 54.391391 -1.405892
DL6 2TQ 1 0 54.382955 -1.406538
DL6 2TR 1 0 54.347556 -1.431169
DL6 2TS 15 1 54.349038 -1.431026
DL6 2TT 4 0 54.349122 -1.429809
DL6 2TU 5 0 54.353625 -1.420469
DL6 2TX 2 0 54.353625 -1.412525
DL6 2TY 3 0 54.358627 -1.420871
DL6 2TZ 8 0 54.360757 -1.420856
DL6 2UA 13 1 54.36074 -1.416153
DL6 2UB 2 0 54.36367 -1.413674
DL6 2UD 7 0 54.363709 -1.403952
DL6 2UE 1 0 54.365094 -1.398638
DL6 2UF 1 0 54.366118 -1.394914
DL6 2UG 3 0 54.35598 -1.409311
DL6 2UQ 2 0 54.353441 -1.400511
DL6 2UT 11 0 54.361945 -1.4256