all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2UU 1 1 54.348284 -1.433159
DL6 2UW 1 0 54.348329 -1.434461
DL6 2UX 31 0 54.358428 -1.430635
DL6 2UZ 1 1 54.347977 -1.434748
DL6 2XA 11 10 54.35071 -1.448013
DL6 2XB 3 3 54.348574 -1.438888
DL6 2XE 15 15 54.347973 -1.448834
DL6 2XL 4 2 54.348906 -1.450468
DL6 2XF 1 1 54.347537 -1.442677
DL6 2XG 2 1 54.346748 -1.442266
DL6 2XH 4 4 54.349224 -1.449823
DL6 2XQ 8 7 54.345888 -1.447529
DL6 2YB 11 11 54.350445 -1.450939
DL6 2YD 6 6 54.34684 -1.444834
DL6 2YE 12 8 54.347572 -1.447563
DL6 2YG 1 1 54.337216 -1.434127
DL6 2YP 1 1 54.337228 -1.434136
DL6 2NA 18 16 54.350185 -1.441205
DL6 2ND 1 54.350111 -1.441488
DL6 2NG 5 5 54.351084 -1.438121