all postcodes in DL9 / CATTERICK GARRISON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL9 3HL 49 0 54.37671 -1.740384
DL9 3HN 30 2 54.376984 -1.738304
DL9 3HP 24 0 54.378476 -1.730212
DL9 3HQ 55 0 54.375037 -1.735391
DL9 3HR 29 0 54.377852 -1.728384
DL9 3HS 4 0 54.377925 -1.728907
DL9 3HT 27 0 54.37792 -1.730847
DL9 3HU 55 0 54.376788 -1.730977
DL9 3HW 1 1 54.378008 -1.737958
DL9 3HY 19 0 54.377043 -1.736656
DL9 3JA 4 4 54.37513 -1.721059
DL9 3JB 2 2 54.373848 -1.721567
DL9 3JD 10 9 54.376381 -1.721928
DL9 3JE 1 1 54.375986 -1.721746
DL9 3JF 15 4 54.378182 -1.723147
DL9 3JG 1 1 54.377758 -1.722796
DL9 3JS 1 1 54.372609 -1.718936
DL9 3JU 13 0 54.371136 -1.723087
DL9 3JX 8 0 54.370804 -1.723351
DL9 3JY 24 0 54.370247 -1.723447