all postcodes in DL9 / CATTERICK GARRISON

find any address or company within the DL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL9 3NS 18 0 54.356797 -1.706211
DL9 3NU 13 0 54.354532 -1.709843
DL9 3NW 15 0 54.355562 -1.708436
DL9 3NX 17 0 54.354428 -1.707674
DL9 3PA 2 0 54.368074 -1.715819
DL9 3PE 1 1 54.363715 -1.716488
DL9 3PG 2 0 54.36326 -1.713636
DL9 3PH 1 0 54.358092 -1.710387
DL9 3PJ 6 0 54.357901 -1.709204
DL9 3PL 8 0 54.35878 -1.708521
DL9 3PN 1 0 54.358259 -1.708709
DL9 3PQ 26 0 54.358114 -1.711803
DL9 3PS 1 1 54.364056 -1.716501
DL9 3PX 3 0 54.377641 -1.755742
DL9 3PY 2 0 54.377778 -1.765538
DL9 3PZ 1 1 54.372913 -1.746611
DL9 3QE 3 1 54.372145 -1.736487
DL9 3QG 1 1 54.375271 -1.75297
DL9 3RA 31 0 54.355198 -1.706315
DL9 3RB 17 0 54.356326 -1.708153