all postcodes in DL9 / CATTERICK GARRISON

find any address or company within the DL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL9 3JZ 8 0 54.370827 -1.721688
DL9 3LD 2 1 54.370684 -1.717771
DL9 3LL 1 1 54.372763 -1.731434
DL9 3LR 3 3 54.371769 -1.724505
DL9 3LU 2 0 54.363734 -1.735963
DL9 3LX 17 0 54.355151 -1.709346
DL9 3LZ 3 1 54.357253 -1.701484
DL9 3NA 26 0 54.35621 -1.704831
DL9 3NB 20 0 54.35505 -1.703953
DL9 3ND 12 0 54.355832 -1.704833
DL9 3NE 12 0 54.3549 -1.705278
DL9 3NF 1 0 54.35449 -1.706434
DL9 3NG 2 1 54.354741 -1.702694
DL9 3NH 3 0 54.347989 -1.70212
DL9 3NJ 4 0 54.34512 -1.716416
DL9 3NL 1 0 54.350108 -1.716428
DL9 3NN 14 0 54.355889 -1.709541
DL9 3NP 58 0 54.355784 -1.707296
DL9 3NQ 5 0 54.352466 -1.699257
DL9 3NR 6 0 54.355792 -1.706926