all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 4ED 8 2 50.626246 -2.537117
DT3 4EE 4 0 50.619327 -2.516188
DT3 4EF 3 0 50.627709 -2.533555
DT3 4EG 2 0 50.627707 -2.534036
DT3 4EH 12 0 50.67171 -2.564466
DT3 4EJ 8 0 50.623466 -2.505264
DT3 4EL 12 1 50.669232 -2.481628
DT3 4EN 13 0 50.668945 -2.48342
DT3 4EP 12 1 50.670762 -2.508741
DT3 4EQ 35 0 50.623261 -2.504823
DT3 4ER 20 1 50.670036 -2.536513
DT3 4ES 16 0 50.671497 -2.560304
DT3 4ET 36 1 50.671311 -2.563542
DT3 4EU 10 0 50.672828 -2.562159
DT3 4EW 6 1 50.670678 -2.492651
DT3 4EX 26 0 50.673202 -2.563041
DT3 4EY 7 0 50.673922 -2.560969
DT3 4EZ 21 0 50.672124 -2.564471
DT3 4FA 4 0 50.672833 -2.562795
DT3 4HA 18 0 50.671018 -2.566482