all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 4HB 9 0 50.670884 -2.5644
DT3 4HD 9 0 50.670671 -2.565756
DT3 4HE 16 1 50.667862 -2.568085
DT3 4HF 7 1 50.660834 -2.569217
DT3 4HG 13 3 50.668473 -2.562744
DT3 4HH 1 0 50.650782 -2.538401
DT3 4HJ 1 0 50.654808 -2.53689
DT3 4HL 3 0 50.657023 -2.534298
DT3 4HN 3 1 50.657448 -2.527837
DT3 4HP 9 1 50.670463 -2.562258
DT3 4HQ 6 0 50.661404 -2.545866
DT3 4HR 13 0 50.67156 -2.565979
DT3 4HS 13 0 50.641544 -2.546355
DT3 4HT 10 0 50.640615 -2.547308
DT3 4HU 9 1 50.64035 -2.545974
DT3 4HW 12 0 50.665783 -2.526162
DT3 4HX 9 0 50.639579 -2.545342
DT3 4HY 10 0 50.639927 -2.546366
DT3 4HZ 14 0 50.638202 -2.549712
DT3 4JA 9 0 50.642217 -2.550408