all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 9NL 20 0 51.503702 -0.007098
E14 9NN 20 14 51.494693 -0.018368
E14 9NP 17 0 51.50233 -0.008412
E14 9NS 47 0 51.502414 -0.007558
E14 9NT 26 0 51.502207 -0.008042
E14 9NU 22 0 51.502227 -0.007638
E14 9NX 8 0 51.502555 -0.007883
E14 9NY 38 0 51.502884 -0.008186
E14 9PA 65 0 51.505738 -0.005194
E14 9PB 88 0 51.505738 -0.005194
E14 9PE 1 1 51.50712 -0.007165
E14 9PF 63 0 51.506197 -0.005217
E14 9PJ 67 1 51.506197 -0.005217
E14 9PL 85 0 51.506291 -0.004406
E14 9PN 14 0 51.511043 -0.008896
E14 9PP 18 0 51.511136 -0.008013
E14 9PS 25 2 51.509082 -0.004644
E14 9PT 43 0 51.503381 -0.008856
E14 9PU 1 1 51.508947 -0.005154
E14 9PW 86 0 51.506291 -0.004406