all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 9SH 22 19 51.500547 -0.017237
E14 9SJ 4 4 51.502458 -0.023883
E14 9SL 3 2 51.499982 -0.017824
E14 9SN 5 4 51.501485 -0.020091
E14 9SR 1 1 51.500988 -0.017317
E14 9ST 4 4 51.500939 -0.008573
E14 9SW 1 1 51.513161 -0.028318
E14 9SZ 4 2 51.496789 -0.018337
E14 9TD 6 2 51.496311 -0.018874
E14 9TE 2 0 51.498599 -0.01804
E14 9TR 2 0 51.496851 -0.01881
E14 9TS 63 43 51.499196 -0.01283
E14 9UB 7 3 51.499497 -0.021675
E14 9UD 6 2 51.501755 -0.021174
E14 9UF 5 4 51.501662 -0.020991
E14 9UG 6 5 51.501703 -0.020773
E14 9UH 5 5 51.501571 -0.020418
E14 9UJ 5 5 51.501515 -0.020291
E14 9UL 7 0 51.49114 -0.016722
E14 9UN 35 0 51.492187 -0.017987