all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 9PY 21 0 51.503283 -0.009451
E14 9PZ 5 0 51.502893 -0.009785
E14 9QB 1 1 51.507425 -0.007024
E14 9QD 71 2 51.49584 -0.014933
E14 9QE 2 1 51.50852 -0.0064
E14 9QQ 16 0 51.504615 -0.008485
E14 9QR 6 0 51.505909 -0.0068
E14 9QS 60 0 51.510124 0.000186
E14 9QW 20 0 51.504103 -0.008493
E14 9QZ 24 0 51.506473 -0.007194
E14 9RB 24 4 51.496342 -0.016452
E14 9RD 16 1 51.496018 -0.015849
E14 9RE 18 9 51.49604 -0.015587
E14 9EA 42 1 51.496639 -0.015921
E14 9RL 27 8 51.508084 -0.009933
E14 9RN 23 1 51.504119 -0.007311
E14 9RP 49 16 51.496396 -0.017473
E14 9RQ 1 1 51.504533 -0.006298
E14 9SG 7 6 51.500703 -0.014822
E14 9RY 1 0 51.509394 -0.006547