all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 9WP 6 0 51.492082 -0.021377
E14 9WQ 10 0 51.492322 -0.02226
E14 9WR 39 0 51.491824 -0.021013
E14 9WT 1 0 51.499926 -0.020475
E14 9WU 3 1 51.491152 -0.021143
E14 9WW 36 0 51.491505 -0.022297
E14 9WY 32 0 51.492958 -0.022146
E14 9WZ 52 0 51.493163 -0.02146
E14 9XA 69 0 51.491289 -0.020187
E14 9XB 31 0 51.492124 -0.019618
E14 9XD 84 0 51.491597 -0.018762
E14 9XE 17 0 51.492286 -0.019049
E14 9XF 1 1 51.513161 -0.028318
E14 9XL 46 31 51.501148 -0.020323
E14 9XP 6 2 51.499294 -0.017664
E14 9XQ 28 25 51.501294 -0.021064
E14 9YA 56 0 51.490479 -0.020697
E14 9YB 25 0 51.490134 -0.021605
E14 9YD 46 0 51.490735 -0.022011
E14 9YG 46 0 51.500471 -0.010697