all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 6DE 61 0 51.527964 0.0626
E6 6DF 12 0 51.527409 0.062474
E6 6DG 39 1 51.526657 0.061734
E6 6DH 28 0 51.528503 0.063663
E6 6DJ 1 1 51.529408 0.071069
E6 6DP 33 0 51.527003 0.058419
E6 6DQ 10 1 51.527009 0.063711
E6 6DR 42 0 51.527337 0.058334
E6 6DS 41 0 51.527836 0.058601
E6 6DT 60 0 51.527689 0.059315
E6 6DU 30 0 51.528393 0.058136
E6 6DX 17 0 51.528673 0.058077
E6 6DY 36 0 51.528832 0.0567
E6 6DZ 43 0 51.529262 0.057871
E6 6EA 49 2 51.529803 0.058762
E6 6EB 39 0 51.529823 0.059152
E6 6ED 40 1 51.529616 0.057615
E6 6EE 14 1 51.530221 0.057973
E6 6EF 11 0 51.530224 0.056791
E6 6EG 68 0 51.531523 0.057066